Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006

Digital oder analog?

In der wöchentlichen Circuits-Mail hat David Pogue diesmal einen Ausschnitt aus einem Interview mit dem president der Festplatten-Rettungsfirma DriveSavers, Scott Gaidano, zitiert.

An einer Stelle lautet der Text:
    "David Pogue: Let me ask you a related question. Everything is going digital. Digital music, digital photos, digital movies. Is that a dangerous trend? My mother once bemoaned the fact that rough drafts of famous novelists don't exist anymore, 'cause it's all word processed, and no one will ever know the composing process.

    Scott Gaidano: Yeah. One of our recovery guys said something one time, that in 100 years, anything we put on electronic media will not exist. Yet anything published will still be around. And I think he's right.

    David Pogue: So things on paper--

    Scott Gaidano: So your books will be here."

Ein Grund mehr, gedruckte Karten herzustellen! :D